Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Flying Lessons Classmates

I have been participating in Kelly Rae Roberts' creative entrepreneurship e-course for the last four weeks. My classmates are an amazingly talented (and huge!) bunch of artists and creative women and men of all kinds from all over the globe. Here is just a snippet of some of their work.  Enjoy!


  1. Oh wow!!!!!!! I am actually speechless!!!
    Wow! Thank you! And, right back at you!
    I am so sad Flying Lessons is drawing to an end, but so happy that I have met all of you wonderful epople! It has been so rewarding!

  2. thanks for posting some art work from the artist in our class. i am sad it is coming to a close also. i have been overwhelmed with all the participants and look forward to a summer of discovering everyone's pages.

  3. What a wonderful idea.....You've posted some beautiful artwork from our talented classmates.
    Flying lessons has enabled me to grow and learn so much of a world I really didn't know existed. I hope we can stay in touch as the weeks/months go on .....

  4. Thanks (and you're welcome)! I hope we manage to stay in contact via blogland and the Facebook group. As celiaclowe said, I look forward to continuing to discover the work of others in the class, there's so many!
